Media Project: The PlanHand

The media project I think intimidated us all as we first read the instructions and realized what we had to do. I know I first thought, "Ahh, I'm not ready for this!" It took me awhile to brainstorm how I felt my assigned item could best help Alice adapt to her MS. I really wanted to help her shower mobility since that seemed like such a dangerous situation but with a degradable item, that was a challenge. The first idea that hit me was some sort of cuff made by the empty toilet paper roll cut in half around her forearm connecting to something to her hand. Then, I thought about her fine and gross motor coordination deficits along with her decreased sensation in her hands. I tried to focus the purpose of my creation around her goals which were to keep doing what she's doing. I then began thinking how I could turn this mystery arm-bracelet-hand-helping-machine into helping Alice prepare dinner, get ready in the mornings, and organize her thoughts....